
Spiral rainbow

Art Expression

art assemblages
Assemblage made from drift wood, a jaw bone, a 70s computer circuit board and an old farm yard metal hook.

“I am multi-artist and composer. My artistic work is a vast jungle of unexpected surprises around the next bend of the meandering pathways of life. It comprises of many forms of creative artistic expressions in various media working preferably with natural or recycled material (NatureArt). I see myself rather as a medium that allows the infinite cosmic vibrations to flow through me and thus became an earthly instrument to express the omni-versal energy, both at random and purposefully.

The art works are mostly leaning towards a spirited and new experimental approach in a constructive and positive way with aesthetic, innovative and surprising results.

I am a shamanic spirit community artist. I reject the ego-driven and money oriented ‘conventional’ art world, which is often exclusive, elitist and lacking in spirit.”

A Life Story In Pictures
A Son Needs A Father In His Life
Self-portrait of Thomas Wiegandt
A Young Man’s Situation In Ger-money In The 1960s And 1970s
Self-portrait of Thomas Wiegandt
… Too Much Trauma Resulted In The Use Of Self-Medication … Judge Not ! … What Are Your Vices ? …
Bog oak spirit
magic forest tractor monkey
Tractor Monkey sculpture in the eco-art project called MAGIC FOREST – Ballydehob – West Cork – Ireland
YOU – a NatureArt and recycled sculpture
Poetry received on the spirit waves of COSMIC RADIO by Thomas Wiegandt

:: More poetry ::