English Poetry


Random poetry
Spiral rainbow

I’m Talking To The World – the poem

life is a dare (alternately loud and whispered)
for everyone out there
for me to do this here
to conquer the fear
for you to be curious and listen to it for a bit
it might very well reflect you as it’s true
such is the nature of information
such is the nature of vibration
words are pebbles thrown into a pond
and then the ripples do their thing
unfold and meet and create
and confuse
nothing to lose
I can see clearly now the thoughts are gone


master and child
calm and wild
within and without
smile and shout
let it in and let it out
two are one
omniversal fun


we are warriors
on the battleground of love
worrying a lot, much too much
everything seems to be never enough
was it meant like that in the name of a god above

when will we stop the futile fight?
relax and stop being uptight!
when will all that be left behind?
all and everything will be alright!
in the end!

we are warriors
on the battleground of love
until we finally have learned
the cosmic game of love

Bang On

we have something special going on
we weave it into an instant song
all is right and nothing is wrong
Cosmic tuning in and fun: Bang On!


tell me Bobby what happened
over the years
of hidden tears and fears
along the way of fame
when everything stayed the same
when they worshipped you
but you were feeling blue

the wind has been blowing through your ears
but no answer you could ever hear
love had left town
and like a clown
you wore a frown
under your crown
and the tired ego
still had a long way to go
where to? you didn’t know!
just left feeling low

you must have gotten hurt
from all the dirt of the rotten world
disillusioned, cynical and more
and could not see an open door
you didn’t used to be that way
but be this as it may
it was the price you had to pay
but anyway if you are all alone
it’s time to bring it all back home

A Challenge And A Surprise

You could have asked for it
it’s the naked truth
for you to choose
you can only win
and there is no sin
and nothing to lose

sometimes something goes wrong
no need to work it into a song
please try again
get up and fly free from pain
at least walk
even on your own
or even better talk
to your bones
don’t waste any time virtually
it won’t help you spiritually
just do your best
and forget the rest

there is not always a free chair
on top of the stairs
but I can sit there


The end rhyme pretends
that everything will be resolved when it ends
maybe even make in the end some sense
or a letdown after a senseless suspense

but luckily and really
there are only new beginnings
and again the bell will be ringing
and I will be sure of one thing eventually
change will evolve and flow quite naturally


(prayer-like whispering, getting louder…)
I try to refrain
from this repetitive refrain
I’m a slave of the machine
and it is mean
a mean machine

I try to refrain
from this repetitive refrain
I even confess it
long ago I have even done my bit
but nothing changes

I try to refrain
from this repetitive refrain
a sin is a sin
and this is one
I ask myself was it at least fun?
what ever I might or might not have done?

I try to refrain
from this repetitive refrain
I am now well used to use the machine
it gives the the illusion of pleasure
a lot of trash, or a hope of very rarely an occasional tiny treasure
and of course the machine really is using me
oh yes, I see

I try to refrain
from this repetitive refrain

Play Love

Love is a game
don’t get too serious
that is so lame
remember there is no shame
and no need to be tame
just play the game
enjoy to play
there is nothing to say
and hey, don’t judge
it is never the same
just play the game
and don’t rhyme
there is no time
all is enough
when you play love.

Can’t Trust A Word

I can’t trust any word
I easily get hurt

only feelings are true
sometimes mild, sometimes wild
sometimes light, sometimes blue

sound is pure
and a magical mystery tour too
sometimes you are me, sometimes I am you

all the vibrations gradually change
that is not strange
everything must be re-arranged

change changes
all and everything
thick turns into thin
so many beings I have been

all this are words
captured birds
fuzzy and blurred
in a cage of hurt
refractured light
I better let go and hold on tight

Coffee And Tea

instead of coffee and tea
I rather have toffee and chi
or would I rather have toffee and a key
to unlock the door to be free
I wonder how it would be…


(the confusing pronunciation of the English language in the ear of the Earl)

I tear a tear from my eye
it’s clearly early
the gates are not yet pearly
and they never might be
but the dew drop on a nasturtium leaf
is the most beautiful pearl I will ever see…


On an autumn day in the big city
under a lonely, majestic chestnut tree
I decided to conker my fears and the world
not to be hurled and swirled
and to be more free

Gregorian Chants

Gregorian chants, my early childhood experiences in monasteries … For worse or better! it did something to me, seriously…. I still can smell dampness, cold and incense and insanity woven into the endlessly timeless monotonously trancy chants echoing in the candle lit chapels and in all of my bones. curse and contemplation and no mercy or the consolation that all that would be gone eventually …. once I would walk through that high and heavy oak door and I would be resurrected in the temple of nature, colours and birdsong all around me and whispering trees, the smell of earth and the lapping soft waves of a stream, the dream of the truth of the reality of being.


I have 2 legs
I do not lay eggs
I am a mammal
I am an animal
in my forgotten captivity
when will I be free?
I don’t need a cup of tea!
I even don’t need cake
when will I make
a prison break?
just for my own sake

One More Time

I wanted to fly high
with you
it’s true
but I was too shy
I was afraid to touch the sky

I was afraid to fall so very low
and that the fall would be slow

that’s when you knocked at my door
and asked “are you home?”
and in a flash
without a crash
I came back from far away
and I asked you to stay

this time it is different
this time is another time
time to try one more time
because this time it is our time

Out In The Rain

if you had my brain
you would do all sorts of things
just when you remember them
and not stand in the rain
getting soaked again and again

Loose Words

what ever we will do
what ever we have done
where ever we go to
we will come back to square one
where words lose their meaning
which is not at all a mean thing

(archaic choir singing)
trance formation

back into sound
where everything flows free
and without a bound

and now we see
without eyes
and we realize

there are no ties
and lying suits

only white mice
and flying fruits

Sex and Drugs and Rock’n’Roll

please check the amount
on your personal account
if it’s a bit of leisure time
having pleasure is just sublime
but if it is always then it is addiction
to forget the pain and other afflictions
and ends regrettably possibly deadly
when we have overdone it just too madly

Less Control

giving up some control
allowing the freedom of random
let non-chaotic random structure evolve
don’t judge too much
dare to basically accept
you won’t regret
and if necessary
make some adjustments to suit


the seemingly unproductive charge up time is essential
A minimum of one third of two legged life time is necessary,
otherwise the result is a burn out.
Nothing comes for free.
Often you must pay later!

Fragments of Nellie’s Dream Funeral

… all I ever can be here
is a vessel for the spirit
to settle in for a while
and learn to smile
I am a battered bowl from the dump
sounding sweet and mysterious…

Spaced Out

spaced out chimes
assembled from the junk of the dump
hung into trees
outside in nature

in times of need
no talking
listening to random sonatas
from cosmic stratas
an ever-changing intermodulation
is a welcome invitation
and a complete surprise

trash transformed into treasure
nature nurtures me with leisure
I made use of a random resource
and have no remorse
my trash gives pleasure
at no expense

To My Lover

all I can be for you is naked
that in our nakedness
we can touch each other
and share the bliss

To The Priest

all you can do is throw away the book
and try to understand
the merciful meaning
of all and everything and nothing

To The Doctor

all you can do for the patient
is to be aware and a vigilant friend
and not to forget to communicate
how to create the ideal conditions
for healing to happen.
You will have to realize
you can never be the healer.

To The Friend

all I can do is to respect and support you
in your state of imperfection
the imperfection we share
and recognize your vulnerability
and be available any time
and when you need me
and other than that
having great times together.

To The Artist

all you can do is not to limit
never to limit the creative energy
that you needed to explore
and never to depend on approval by others
but experience pure joy
in the occasional happy moments
somebody understands and gets the meaning of your creations
later rather than sooner
you are the instrument of the cosmic and the earth energy
you are a mediator

To The Politicians

grow up and let go
forget money, power and ego
all you can do is to serve
serve the people and the community
for the well being of each and all
rise before the fall


a rhyme is fine
but really does not mean
anything in particular
it is not really that spectacular
because of that alone

neither does a rhyme make anything better as such
and simply can be just too much
still it also can be kind of a magic spell…
here we go again! oh well!

Mental Mission Discovered

constantly my thoughts want to and actually manage
to distract me from just being
by pretending that so many things are important
which is a huge and massive mass scam
I ned to establish strict controls immediately
only positive and purposeful mental activity
is from now on permitted and encouraged

Dental And Mental Hygiene

almost everyone practices dental hygiene
however mental hygiene is far more important
as it causes worse damage
to the mind polluted 2 legged animal
and its range of influence
fact: establish your own mental discipline
warning: thoughts are potentially harmful if not controlled
recommendation: mindful and thought-free breathing

Searching For Something

I am searching for something
but I don’t know what it is.
Could it be me?
Could it be you?

In The Wind

I tried to find
what I could not seek
what I could unwind
in the wind

I felt I should not worry
I better wait patiently
wrapped in a warm coat
in the wind

finally I got the message
a colorful paper drifted by
I could not read it
in the wind

I closed my eyes
it was not dark
and there was nothing to be dreaded
in the wind

The she caressed my ears
she spoke no words
and took me away
into the wind

Heaven And Hell

heaven and hell
curse and spell
don’t forget to yell
hell and heaven
open not only from 7 to 11
as everyone can tell

Why Bother At All?

The cosmic dimensions are beyond imagination
the same is true for our inner space
there is really no need to be too far out or too far in
it just takes too long to come back and to adjust again
being comfortable with one’s own sole soul reality is a challenge
but worthwhile
it makes you smile
as this gives you a happy heart
for yet another new start
everything is reality and measured according to reality
even these illusions and mental intrusions.
Luckily all can be discarded or at least scaled down with questions three:
is it true?
is it real?
is it applicable?

Energy (dance performance for 3 people)






May I?

Señora, may I play the Flamenco on you?
we can sing and dance too
quite frankly between me and you
I would like to make love to you


we are going astray
we have lost the way
too much work
not enough play
what do you say?
what can we do?
me and you?

Empty Business

empty business
busy emptiness
you still can touch me

I reached the border and can’t cross over
and I ask myself why
why don’t I grow wings to fly
why am I still timid and shy

I write the words
that you cannot hear
in your own world
of tears and fear

all I see is green
I am in a dream
I have always been
do you know what I mean
I found my archives from the past
and I hope they are gone at last
the time that it takes to grasp

words, words, thoughts in my head,
I ought to do all these necessary things
it’s my duty as a responsible adult
rushing, rushing
no rest, running after something
again and again
falling into pools of pre-programmed thinking
drifting away further and further

I forgot to check in with myself
I forgot to feel my feelings
my pain is covered up by rushing around
and thinking what to do next
everything is so important

I am staring into the distance and watching
and am I still watching
am I listening at all
while I do what I’ve been doing for a long time
a very long, very long time
falling, falling into pools of pre-programmed thinking
drifting and drifting and drifting further and further and further
losing my pain conveniently

we share the passion for gates – pathways to another world and beyond!


who am I?
and why?
where are you?
and who are you?
where am I now?
still in that groove
pulling a plough?
I need to make my move!


why do I still care
if it has all already then been there
aeons before I even started to write
in order to maybe see the light
seems to me a futile fight!
a pitiful plight!
full of fright!
maybe I am simply too uptight
instead of happily letting go
and for once just go with the flow
a matter of trust
trust I must!

Secret Wish

I am still giving birth to sounds and words
to release all the almost forgotten hurts
throwing away my white shirt
and getting rid of worlds full of dirt
overnight I wish to secretly grow fur
and transfom into a cozy cat that purrs

I am still giving birth to sounds and words
to release all the almost forgotten hurts
throwing away my white shirt
and getting rid of worlds full of dirt
overnight I wish to secretly grow fur
and transfom into a cozy cat that purrs

Loneliness (a performance piece)

(multi-layered choir singing) loneliness
no less
no more

we are born
to be
all one

just one
for some time
turning over pages
for a while
going through stages
walking many miles

we die
to become
one with all
and be free
in eternity

gravity strikes
nothing has been in vain

An Irish Song

let the sunshine shine today
on a rainy day
and sing this song
and drum along
it can’t be wrong

Human Being (upbeat 4/4 percussion song)

haha hihi
I am barking up the wrong tree
I am a human being
I need to wake up
from this dream
I need to scream
I need to wake up

Down The Line

it has been in the family
it is my family tree
for hundreds of years
panic, tears and fears
family drama
family karma
it will stay
until it is resolved one day

after it has been resolved
I will have evolved
I will have learned to sing
and be used to live on the wing
almost enlightened – bing!
trotting down the lane
a bit bored but no more insane.


if life is an illusion
virtual reality is an illusion
of an illusion
it is a diluted delusion

Flow Related

the sculpture we create between us
when we are relating
in a relationship
is up to us

together we are creating
a vibe
almost a being
it is our doing
and our not doing

we are able to be aware
of this sculpture we created between us
the shapes and spaces
will flow and grow
high and low

Positive Statements – A Communal Dare

It is time for me now to move on.
This is the finale – involving the audience – hopefully each of you!
I need your help now.
here is a dare for you to participate.
Please just say out loud
whisper or shout
a positive word or sentence
something positive you care about.
something you want to promote.
something you want to become reality.
Please join in
don’t let the conditioning win. (Pause)
I will create a sound carpet of multicolored noises
to encourage to use your voices
and say or even sing a word or sentence
I dare you to make your choices!
here comes my background sound carpet
to add your positive statements!
(Dan Moi jaws harp + sung in tongues and “there will be change”)