Multi-instrumentalist Thomas Wiegandt plays many different instruments from around the globe plus some of his own novelty sound creations. This compilation has a tribal feel and creates an ever changing sound ambience. Thanks for the musical contributions of Ailin Becker, Mali Rasta Fred and Paul Mayer. ℗ + © 2021
Thomas Wiegandt – Best Instrumentals
1Siesta (Guitar)
2Beginings (Gambang Xylophone)
3Flowers In The Wind (Mandolin)
4Happy Feeling (Hang Steel Drum)
5Spanish Road (Guitar)
6Desert Flute
7Zen Harp-Zither
8Sheperd’s Dance (Cane Flute)
9Being Home (Guitar)
10Flowing (Euklang Aluphone)
11Harpzither, Flute, Vocals (Simultaneous)
12Made In China (Cooking Pots)
13Flying Birds (Sitalin)
14Inwards (Suling Flute)
15Bamboophone, Drum + Bell
16Sabana (Mandolin)
17Morrocan Clarinet
18Frying Pans Sonata 1
19Roots Blues 29 (Sitalin + Sanza)
20Church Organ
21Luna + NightSpirit KlingKlongs Sonata
22Aqua Blue (Gangsa Metallophone)